See translation of Friedmann's works on cosmology in French in "Alexander Friedmann, Georges Lemaitre, Essais de Cosmologie", textes choisis, presentes, traduits du russe et de anglais et annotes par J. P. Luminet et A. Grib, Seuil, 1997)
Proceedings of the Second Alexander Friedmann International Seminar on Gravitation and Cosmology (Ed. Yu. N. Gnedin, A. A. Grib,V. M. Mostepanenko, Central Astronomical Observatory at Pulkovo of Russian Academy of Sciences and Friedmann Laboratory Publishing, St. Petersburg, Russia, 1994).
Proceedings of the Third Alexander Friedmann International Seminar on Gravitation and Cosmology (Ed. Yu. N. Gnedin, A. A. Grib, V. M. Mostepanenko, Friedmann Laboratory Publishing, St. Petersburg, Russia, 1995).
Proceedings of the Fourth Alexander Friedmann International Seminar on Gravitation and Cosmology (Ed. Yu. N. Gnedin, A. A. Grib, V. M. Mostepanenko and W. A. Rodrigues Jr. Jnstituto de Matematica, Estatistica e Computacao Cientica Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Campinas, Brasil, Pulkovo Astronomical Observatory of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Friedmann Laboratory of The Theoretical Physics, St. Petersburg, Russia) was published in 1999.
A. A. Grib, S. G. Mamayev,V. M. Mostepanenko “Vacuum Quantum Effects in Strong Fields”, Friedmann Laboratory Publishing St. Petersburg, Russia. The book is a new English version of the book, first published in Russian in 1980 (then enlarged in a new edition in 1988) in Atomizdat, where basic quantum effects of vacuum polarization, particle creation and spontaneous breaking of symmetry in strong external electromagnetic and gravitational fields were discussed. Results obtained by the St. Petersburg theoretical group i. e. those obtained by A. A. Grib, S. G. Mamayev, V. M. Mostepanenko – first calculations of finite particle creation in the early Friedmann Universe, leading to observable numbers for creation of superheavy particles with masses of the Grand Unification order, finite expressions for the stress-energy tensor of vacuum polarization and created particles in the early Universe, Casimir effect and quantum effects in space with nontrivial topology, etc. are thoroughly discussed in the book.
Andrey Grib. “Early Expanding Universe and Elementary Particles”, Friedmann Laboratory Publishing, 1995 The book has the three level structure - the first for “pedestrians” with popular exposition of basic facts of modern relativistic cosmology, the second for students of physical and mathematical departments of Universities knowing basic elements of General Relativity and Quantum theory. The third "top" level is for physicists, working in quantum field theory in curved space-time, who can use results obtained by the author and his students in their work. Basic results on particle creation and vacuum polarization in the Friedmann Universe are discussed.
Theory and Cosmology.
Coll. of essays in honour seventieth
birthday of Professor A.A.Grib.
Eds. V.Yu. Dorofeev, Yu.V.
Friedmann Laboratory Publishing, St.Petersburg, 2009.